Sheki Useini

Sheki Useini

  • Meditation and Life Quality
  • Entrepreneur, author, philanthropist, meditation and personal development trainer.

In 1986 he migrated to Switzerland, a country where he continues to live and work.
His activities have also been expanded in the field of stock exchange, trading in securities and precious metals. As a martial arts enthusiast, he has been a karate belt holder. Sheki has founded a private karate school in Switzerland, and has participated in various national and international championships. When Sheki realized that meditation was a force that connected him firmly with life and that the journey inside oneself is an incomparable adventure, he decided to devote the rest of his life to this mystery school.
Sot, Shekiu është mësues i çertifikuar i meditimit nga OSHO, në Qendrën Ndërkombëtare të Meditimit në Indi, në të cilin vijon edhe mëtej trajnimet për hipnozën dhe autohipnozën në meditim. Ai ka shkruar dy libra, “Kontrata me Shpirtin” dhe “Kush je Ti?”, në të cilët fokusin kryesor e ka përqëndruar në shkollën e jetës dhe energjinë e krijimit të njeriut të ri, me një vetëdije të re. Një nga mesazhet themelore që përcjell ai është se: “Kur njeriu mësohet të lexojë dhe mësojë nga JETA, për jetën dhe nga VETVETJA për veten, atëherë ai njeri e bën veten SHKOLLË, kurse mësimet që dalin nga përvoja e kësaj shkolle janë mësime të dorës së parë.”
Today, Sheki is a certified meditation teacher from OSHO, International Meditation Center in India,, where he continues his training on hypnosis and self-hypnosis meditation. He has written two books, "Contract with the Soul" and "Who Are You?", in which his primary focus is on the school of life and about the energy of creating a new man, with a new awareness. One of the basic messages he conveys is that: “When one is taught to read and learn from LIFE, about life and about SELF, then that person turns himself into a SCHOOL, and the lessons learned from the experience of this school are first hand lessons.” Enthusiasm for meditation as well as teaching on active and therapeutic meditation techniques are a permanent focus in his life journey. Sheki is determined to add value and share them with the society, with a steadfast goal in mind: enable people to have a better quality of life and become the most beautiful version of themselves, creating circumstances where love, freedom, peace and happiness are paramount.

All Sessions by Sheki Useini